As changes take effect soon, we continue to plow ahead in search of long-term opportunities. We have had several projects that highly interest us in the past few months, but good things take time and you should not rush things. Let them run their course and if you are in its path then so be it, if not another one will materialize.
As good part of an entrepreneur’s life is that you get to control a lot of your time when you are not busy. You choose the time that you are busy as well and you pick your spots basically. A big thing for me has been the ability to spend more time with my children. I think I know my kids much better than before.
In the last few weeks I have given my 4 kids an opportunity to look into what is it that we do. Something very simple but that will let them understand more or less in what we spend our time out from home. I think they have seen that work is difficult, specially when you start projects from scratch. It is easy to tell someone, “Oh, I work for Kellogs or I sell Snapple”, those brand are already built. But when you explain I do this product and they have no clue what it is, then it becomes a harder challenge. Kids are kind of understanding that.
Well, it works the same with clients. Isn’t funny that if I tell someone I am a consultant with Snapple or I merchandise Kellogs they immediately relate you to the big companies?, even if your role is non consequential in the growth of the brand, but if you tell them “Oh, we are developing this line for these people” they look at you with blank stares. Funny, but it is human nature and we have to live with it.
Keep Calm and Stay Humble…
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